
Sep 24, 2010

House Design Question 1

Big news! We're in the middle of buying a house! We're so excited and we're in the 'wouldn't it be cool if...' phase of planning.

We have an idea that sounds awesome in theory but we'd love to get your opinion on it. We saw this chalkboard headboard wall in 500 Days of Summer and loved the idea. We're thinking about converting a wall into one of these to hold a lot of the studio notes, photos, and general things to decorate up the house a little bit with a personal touch.

After a little research, it looks like all it takes to do this is a can of chalkboard paint and you can mix things in to make it magnetized even if we want.

I love the calendar idea to keep us on track with deadlines, life, and where the other of us is.

We'd put it here in the dining room wall. I like the idea because I'm not really a picture frame kind of gal and I can draw my own frames around the pictures, write welcome notes to our clients that come to the house for photo sessions and things like that.

What do you think? Messy or Awesome?

I don't know who owns any of these pictures but it's definitely not me. Just using them to show ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea! I could see it getting a little messy after a while (after 1000's of erasing), but you can always re-plaster and re-paint that wall when you want a change!

    You should incorporate a large corkboard too!!! Oh so many idea!
